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Tihomir Sarajcic

the shadow

Tihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadowTihomir Sarajcic - the shadow

The Shadow/ water-based paint on canvas Outline of a beautiful female head bordered by three thick lines (blue, red and yellow, Mondrian theme) Item is ready to hang on the wall... One of a kind work Unique work, comes with a certificate of authenticity. IMPORTANT NOTE: SHIPPING TO THE EU ONLY - NO SHIPPING TO NON-EU COUNTRIES. Tihomir Sarajcic, Croatian artist, born in 1980. He creates sculptures by welding and forging metal, wire wall art, paints on canvas. All his works depict nature and the world close to him. He is the owner of the craft studio/workshop "S-art" for making metal sculptures. So far, he has had two exhibitions in his hometown and attends art fairs.


Aangeboden door: TihomirSarajcic
Gratis ophaling bij verkoper in: Slavonski Brod, Kroatië (Rep. de).

De verkoper verzendt binnen 3 werkdagen na ontvangst van bericht van de betaling. Wint u meer dan één kavel van dezelfde aanbieder in dezelfde veiling, dan betaalt u maar één keer verzendkosten. U betaalt in dit geval alleen de hoogste verzendkosten.
België 25€
Nederland 25€
Frankrijk 30€
Europa 30€
Wereldwijd 50€

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