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Walt Disney


Walt Disney - MickeyWalt Disney - Mickey

Walt Disney, Mickey and Pluto 50x40cm lithograph, plate signed 1980 Disney was a shy, self-deprecating and insecure man in private but adopted a warm and outgoing public persona. He had high standards and high expectations of those with whom he worked. Although there have been accusations that he was racist or antisemitic, they have been contradicted by many who knew him. Historiography of Disney has taken a variety of perspectives, ranging from views of him as a purveyor of homely patriotic values to being a representative of American imperialism. He remains an important figure in the history of animation and in the cultural history of the United States, where he is considered a national cultural icon. His film work continues to be shown and adapted, and the Disney theme parks have grown in size and number to attract visitors in several countries.


Offert par: Antiqua
Retrait gratuit chez le vendeur à: Elche, Spain.

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