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Antoni Tapies


Antoni Tapies - CompositionAntoni Tapies - Composition

Antoni Tapies 45x32cm COA included Antoni Tàpies i Puig, 1st Marquess of Tápies was a Catalan painter, sculptor and art theorist, who became one of the most famous European artists of his generation. Tàpies was perhaps the best-known Spanish (Catalan) artist to emerge in the period since the Second World War. He first came into contact with contemporary art as a teenager through the magazine D’Ací i D’Allà, published in Barcelona, and during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), while he was still at school, he taught himself to draw and paint.[6] On a French government scholarship in the early 1950s he lived in Paris, to which he often returned. Both in Europe and beyond, the highly influential French critic and curator Michel Tapié enthusiastically promoted the work of Antoni Tàpies.


Offert par: Antiqua
Retrait gratuit chez le vendeur à: Elche, Spain.

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