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Poster Antwerpse luchtschipbouw

Panamarenko  - Poster Antwerpse luchtschipbouwPanamarenko  - Poster Antwerpse luchtschipbouwPanamarenko  - Poster Antwerpse luchtschipbouwPanamarenko  - Poster Antwerpse luchtschipbouwPanamarenko  - Poster Antwerpse luchtschipbouwPanamarenko  - Poster Antwerpse luchtschipbouw

A beautiful, pleated and hand-signed poster about "Antwerp airship construction".
Panamarenko has been given an artistic home base in Antwerp in the form of a spacious studio with ample exhibition possibilities. This is the former Electrabel building in Borgerhout, which was purchased and restored by gallery owner Ronny van de Velde, and was renamed 'Antwerpse Luchtschipbouw' by Panamarenko. This name is not new, because Panamarenko used the term as early as the 1970s.

Panamarenko will primarily use the building as a studio, but the building will also have a public function as an exhibition space, documentation center and Panamarenko bookshop. To approach the living and thinking world of the artist as closely as possible, objects and personal objects of the artist are shown in 19th-century display cabinets. Furthermore, a room with a glass wall was set up behind which Panamarenko's pets can be seen: a few parrots, a toucan and a beo.

Poster is in excellent condition.


Offert par: Timvos
Retrait gratuit chez le vendeur à: Schelle , Belgique.

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