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Roy Lichtenstein

As I opened Fire... "Triptych"

Roy Lichtenstein - As I opened Fire... Roy Lichtenstein - As I opened Fire... Roy Lichtenstein - As I opened Fire... Roy Lichtenstein - As I opened Fire... Roy Lichtenstein - As I opened Fire... Roy Lichtenstein - As I opened Fire... Roy Lichtenstein - As I opened Fire... Roy Lichtenstein - As I opened Fire...

Roy Lichtenstein was an American pop artist. During the 1960s, along with Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, and James Rosenquist among others, he became a leading figure in the new art movement. His work defined the premise of pop art through parody. Inspired by the comic strip, Lichtenstein produced precise compositions that documented while they parodied, often in a tongue-in-cheek manner. His work was influenced by popular advertising and the comic book style.

This work was conceived in 1966 and published by the Stedelijk Musseum. This piece is from one of edition printed after 1966, but before 1997, date of death of the artist. Very important. The date of his death does not appear. In other editions appears Roy Lichtenstein 1923 - 1997. That means that they are editions after his death. In this the date of death does not appear. Published by the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Printed in the Netherlands

Dimensions : 63 x 52.5 cm each x 3 Very good condition


Offert par: Mikey11
Retrait gratuit chez le vendeur à: Antwerpen, Belgique.

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