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Nick Ervinck


Gesigneerd en genummerd door de kunstenaar Editie op 60 exemplaren Alle werken zijn af te halen in Aalst. Nick Ervinck was born in 1981 in Kortrijk (Belgium) and studied sculpture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent. He began his work as a sculptor using classical techniques such as sculpting and modelling in clay, but soon developed his own method by using digital technologies. Ervinck's work is characterised by a combination of traditional and modern techniques. He often uses digital technologies such as 3D printing and CNC milling to design and produce the shapes and structures of his sculptures. Afterwards, the sculptures are often worked on by hand and finished with traditional materials such as bronze or marble.


Offert par: Vente privée entreposée chez le commissaire-priseur
Collection gratuite chez le commissaire-priseur à Aalst, België.

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