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Jovan Srijemac

Tintin & Snowy on the train

Jovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the trainJovan  Srijemac - Tintin & Snowy on the train

New Pop / Street Art work from a series of works Tintin and Snowy by Dutch professional / contemporary artist Jovan Srijemac (1962) .. Work is painted with acrylic colors, palette knife, brush and driptechnique on canvas. This work fits well in a modern interior or office space. Condition of work: excellent (new), varnished, with certificate of authenticity "The chaos of ideas that have arisen in my head, the inner deprived energy, wants to come out like a volcano and thus become an explosion and a symphony of colors on the canvas, framed with matter, figures, faces or abstract composition." ' Jovan's work is close to expressionist style, but he like to experiment with pop art and action painting.


Offert par: Jovan1962
Retrait gratuit chez le vendeur à: Heerenveen, Netherlands.

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