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Maurice Wyckaert


Maurice Wyckaert - Vert...j'espèreMaurice Wyckaert - Vert...j'espère

Prachtige zeefdruk van Maurice Wyckaert Gesigneerd en genummerd Op handgeschept papier Maurice Wyckaert ​(Brussels 1923-1996) was undoubtedly one of the most influential and talented belgian artists of his generation. He was educated at the Academy of Brussels and started painting expressionistic still lifes in the style of Jean Brusselmans. Later he found inspiration in the work of William Turner and James Ensor and their ideas about luminism. In 1955 the artist started to lyrically abstract interpret his environment, with influences of Eastern calligraphy. His works evolved to a dynamic abstract combination of attractive colors, which harmoniously shape a free interpretation of landscapes. Wyckaert was actively involved in several art movements and became co-founder of Belgian art magazines De Meridiaan and Taptoe Brussels (1955). He was also a member of Présence (1949) and the Situationist International movement of Guy Debord (SI). He was befriended with several CoBrA-members, especially with danish artist Asger Jorn.​ Wyckaert's paintings strike by the richness and freshness of their colors, which vary infinitely depending on whether they are lit by the sun or darkened by the passage of clouds. During their journey around the earth, colors change in tone and temperature: green turns black, blue becomes purple, orange turnes into red, yellow takes on shades of ocher. The dark green of the forests, the golden yellow of the wheat fields, the azure blue of the sky, the vermilion red of the fruit trees, all these colors are in constant movement, blown by the wind. Flemish poet and close friend Hugo Claus​ called them "turbulent landscapes".


Offert par: Vente privée entreposée chez le commissaire-priseur
Collection gratuite chez le commissaire-priseur à Aalst, België.

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